You can learn to appreciate ASD


Guidance from top of the line professionals
Support from people in your position
Real life instruction from neuro-diverse people

Is there someone in your life

who is

Losing control easily?

Not quite getting social cues?

Seeing people as either good or bad, friend or foe?

Bringing home life experiences that are just not accurate?

Going head to head with people in authority?

Obsessive about certain routines?

Having issues falling asleep at night?

Thinking that everyone else is wrong?

Seeming overly stressed and anxious?

Having trouble processing emotions?

Getting overly aggressive with no clear cause?

Seeming overly stressed and anxious?

Having trouble processing emotions?

Getting overly aggressive with no clear cause?

Not understanding that their actions have social ramifications?

Swallowing whole every word that their friends tell them?

Being taken advantage of by other people?

Not understanding that their actions have social ramifications?

Swallowing whole every word that their friends tell them?

Being taken advantage of by other people?

We Bring


Support groups for ASD adults, spouses and parents of ASD children​

Advice and understanding from a range of professionals in the field of ASD​

A glimpse into the world of ASD with people who live in that world.

High Functioning Autistic Spectrum Disorder is one of the least understood conditions out there.

Partly because it is so high functioning.

They don’t look “different”

They don’t spout knowledge.

They aren’t “square” or obsessive.

They are not anti-social.

They learn to compensate for their struggles with their strengths. 

Until one of two things


Either they just can't do it anymore

The social nuances become more and more difficult to understand, the demands made on them become more and more difficult to follow and navigating the complicated world of emotions is just impossible.

And the entire facade crumbles, leaving you with a devastated person who has hit rock bottom.
And a broken-hearted family who have no idea where to go from here.

Or the people around them just can't do it anymore

And they get driven away from the people they love most. Their strengths and immense capabilities are pushed to the side as the spotlight focuses on their difficulties.

Marriages break up, adults are pushed out of their natural environment and parents feel helpless at the sight of their child’s pain.

You may have consulted, assessed and even diagnosed.
You may have tried everything under the sun.

And the bottom line is


But until you understand the way their brain works, you can’t help them.

And so the cycle continues.

The downside is that you can’t change someone’s brain.

The upside is that you can learn to understand and appreciate them.

Join us at Asd-Space to meet other people in your position. 
Come to laugh and to cry, to support and feel supported, to love and to learn to love.